Sale and Purchase of Properties – A Legal Guide


CONTENTS CHAPTER 1: Introduction CHAPTER 2: Some Relevant Concepts CHAPTER 3: Benami Ownership of Property CHAPTER 4: Title to Property, `Rights and Interest` in property, charge upon property and Special Status of Possession under Section 53A TPA CHAPTER 5: Agreement to Sell and Its Specific Performance CHAPTER 6: Development Agreements CHAPTER 7: Rights and Liabilities of Seller and Purchaser CHAPTER 8: Buying property pending litigation Doctrine of `Lis pendens` CHAPTER 9: Valuation of an Immovable Property for the Purposes of Sale and Purchase CHATPER 10: Right of Preemption based on Preemption Laws CHAPTER 11: Right of preemption otherwise than, by way of Preemption Statutes CHAPTER 12: Formalities for a Regular and Legal Sale and Purchase of an Immovable Property CHAPTER 13: Sale And Purchase of Apartment CHAPTER 14: Income Tax Act, 1961 and SalePurchase of Immovable Properties CHAPTER 15: SalePurchase of Properties and matters relating to Foreign Exchange, NRIs, PIOs and OCBs CHAPTER 16: Sale and Purchase of Farm Properties


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